Monday 23 September 2013

CJ - Technical Analysis

You and Me (Disclosure, 2013)

Shot no: 1
Duration: 2 sec
camera: slow tilting, out of focus, Mid-shot
Mise-en-scene: Girl walking towards window in bedroom (away from camera), low lighting.

Shot no: 2
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: Long-shot, shallow focus, small movement.
Mise-en-scene: Harbour (Dover), low light.

Shot no: 3
Duration: 2 sec
Camera: Pan around the subject (bag), high angle
Mise-en-scene: Man putting jumper in rucksack, low lighting.

Shot no: 4
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: tracking man walking,
Mise-en-scene: Man walking away from camera in car park, low lighting.

Shot no: 5
Duration: 1.5 sec
Camera: eye line, static, close up
Mise-en-scene: Boy holding girl in his arms on side of boat, English channel, windy.

Shot no: 6
Duration: 1.5 sec
Camera: panning right, long shot of harbour, shallow focus.
Mise-en-scene: Harbour (Calais), low lighting.

Shot no: 7
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: Mid shot, Static, shallow focus.
Mise-en-scene: Boy and girl standing waiting, low lighting, arrival gate.

Shot no: 8
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: slow pan over the boys shoulder (behind), eye level, close up.
Mise-en-scene: Boy's head and shoulder.

Shot no: 9
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: High camera angle, shallow focus, close up.
Mise-en-scene: Boys hands driving, car, road.

Shot no: 10
Duration: 2 sec
Camera: Mid-shot, slow pan to the right.
Mise-en-scene: low-key lighting, boy putting t-shirt on, bedroom.

Shot no: 11
Duration: 2 sec
Camera: static, tilting down, focus on left side of the screen.
Mise-en-scene: Girl opening map in car.

Shot no: 12
Duration: 2 sec
Camera: slow pan, eye line, shallow focus.
Mise-en-scene: Boy wearing beanie hat, looking in mirror, low-lighting.

Shot no: 13
Duration: 1.5 sec
Camera: Long shot, Slow zoom out.
Mise-en-scene: Boy and girl sitting at table on boat, low lighting.

Shot no: 14
Duration: 0.5 sec
Camera: static, close-up.
Mise-en-scene: girls hand throwing sweet.

Shot no: 15
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: close-up, static.
Mise-en-scene: boy catches sweet in mouth.

Shot no: 16
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: pan right, close up, low lighting.
Mise-en-scene: Girl smiling.

Shot no: 17
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: static, long shot.
Mise-en-scene: boy and girl high five across table.

Shot no: 18
Duration: 1.5 sec
Camera: close-up, eye line, shallow focus.
Mise-en-scene: boy and girl hugging, windy, highlight.

Shot no: 19
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: mid-shot, shallow focus.
Mise-en-scene: boy and girl standing together on side of boat, windy, highlight.

Shot no: 20
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: mid-shot, low camera angle, slow zoom out.
Mise-en-scene: girl facing camera with wind in her hair.

Shot no: 21
Duration: 2 sec
Camera: long shot, slow zoom out.
Mise-en-scene: girl and boy sitting at table, boy throws sweet at girl.

Shot no: 22
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: pan around subject, mid-shot, shallow focus.
Mise-en-scene: boy lifting girl over fence, raining, low lighting, windy, boat.

Shot no: 23
Duration: 2 sec
Camera: high angle, long shot, mid focus.
Mise-en-scene: boy and girl holding hands in air on side of boat.

Shot no: 24
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: static, close-up, shallow focus.
Mise-en-scene: girl sleeping in car.

Shot no: 25
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: close-up, shallow focus.
Mise-en-scene: boy sitting in back of car, low lighting.

Shot no: 26
Duration: 0.5 sec
Camera: pan left, deep focus.
Mise-en-scene: farmers fields, out the window view.

Shot no: 27
Duration: 0.5 sec
Camera: pan left, deep focus.
Mise-en-scene: graffiti walls, streets, out of window view.

Shot no: 28
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: long-shot, deep focus.
Mise-en-scene: boy and girl standing outside building, low lighting, raining, boy blocks off girl.

Shot no: 29
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: mid-shot, shallow focus, pan left.
Mise-en-scene: boy getting out van at petrol station.

Shot no: 30
Duration: 1 sec
Camera: high angle, shallow focus, close up, pan right.
Mise-en-scene: boy picking up petrol pump nozzle.

Shot Analysis:
The majority of shots throughout the video are one second to half a second in length, keeping the video vibrant and energetic. Most shots involve a movement of the camera, mostly suttle but sometimes moving at the pace of the action. The use of slow motion works well with the chosen parts of the audio, giving the audience a chance to consume the characters. Rule of thirds determines the quality of a frame, and can be what makes a piece of footage amateur or amazing. The video shows many perfect examples of characters and locations being shot considering the rule of thirds.

1 comment:

  1. Good work so far Connor, don't forget to answer questions on what you have learned
