Tuesday 24 September 2013

JV - Technical Analysis

Willy Moon - Railroad Track

Shot no. 1
Duration: 3 seconds
Camera: midshot, slightly moving
Mise en scene: Camera focussed on American flag on the wall

Shot no. 2
Duration: 4 seconds
Camera: extreme longshot, out of focus on fireworks in the background, close up
Mise en scene: Fireworks in the distance being set off and close up of the artist.

Shot no. 3
Duration: 1 second
Camera: close up, slow pan
Mise en scene: pans across to show a painting of an old american styled house

Shot no. 4
Duration: 1 second
Camera: long shot, slow pan going left
Mise en scene: shows a run down train trailer with an 'x' spray painted on it

Shot no. 5
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera: steady, handicam, mid shot
Mise en scene: cat grooming itself in the woods surrounded by debris

Shot no. 6
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera:  handicam shot, out of focus, longshot
Mise en scene: 'This sucks' spray painted on train trailer

Shot no. 7
Duration: 4 seconds
Camera: extreme longshot, in focus
Mise en scene: fireworks being set off in the background

Shot no. 8
Duration: 4 seconds
Camera: tracking shot, mid shot, eyeline
Mise en scene: following the artist Willy Moon' walking down the road

Shot no. 9
Duration: 4 seconds
Camera: fast pan, framed in long shot
Mise en scene: showing the scenery in the forest of the run down old buildings

Shot no. 10
Duration: 3 seconds
Camera: handicam, tracking shot, framed in mid shot
Mise en scene: the artist continue to walk down the road at a fast pace

Shot no. 11
Duration: 4 seconds
Camera: longshot, out of focus, low angle
Mise en scene: reverts back to the shot of the fireworks going off in slow motion in the background with the buildings

Shot no. 12
Duration: 3 seconds
Camera: fast pan, mid shot
Mise en scene:

Shot no. 13
Duration: 5 seconds
Camera: midshot tracking shot
Mise en scene: shows particular reference to an 'x'

Shot no. 14
Duration: 3 seconds
Camera: tracking shot
Mise en scene: again showing various run down areas in the forest

Shot no. 15
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera: handicam, long shot
Mise en scene: cat walking into the shrubery

Shot no. 16
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera: mid shot, high camera angle, tracking shot
Mise en scene: tracking the movemnent of his feet walking

Shot no. 17
Duration: 4 seconds
Camera: tracking shot, extreme mid shot
Mise en scene: tracking the artist walking through a run down area singing along

Shot no. 18
Duration: 4 seconds
Camera: close up/midshot, tracking shot, eyeline
Mise en scene: tracking the artist walking through a run down area singing along

Shot no. 19
Duration: 1 second
Camera: low angle, longshot
Mise en scene: establishing shot looking up into the sky showing the various scenery.

Shot no. 20
Duration: 1 second
Camera: establishing shot, high angle, handicam, longshot
Mise en scene: changes shot to a dumpster with graffitti on it

Shot no. 21
Duration: 1 second
Camera: establishing shot, high angle, handicam, close up  
Mise en scene: looking up at  a plant, and the fence which featueres in the next shot

Shot no. 22
Duration: 3 seconds
Camera: tracking shot, mid shot
Mise en scene: tracking the artist walking through a run down area singing along

Shot no. 23
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera: long shot, tracking shot
Mise en scene: tracking the artist walking through a run down area singing along

Shot no. 24
Duration:1 second
Camera: handicam shot, midshot
Mise en scene: slow motion of the artist walking up a set of stairs

Shot no. 25
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera: handicam shot, midshot
Mise en scene: slow motion of the artist walking towards a door

Shot no. 26
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera: close up, handicam shot, eyeline
Mise en scene: artist now inside of this house with a microphone singing

Shot no. 27
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera: midshot, handicam
Mise en scene:  artist now inside of this house with a microphone singing

Shot no. 28
Duration: 2 seconds
Camera: midshot, handicam, out of focus
Mise en scene:  artist now inside of this house with a microphone singing

Shot no. 29
Duration: 1 second
Camera: high angle, mid shot, establishing shot
Mise en scene: shot of an unusual ornament inside a room

Shot no. 30
Duration: 3 seconds
Camera: close up, tracking shot
Mise en scene: the artist singing with the song inside a shop

From writing the technical analysis and watching the video numerous amounts of time it is clear to see that the percentage of disjunctive, establishing shots and shots that feature the artist are spread out giving a good proportion of shots to the artist (Willy Moon) breaking the fourth wall.
The shots are usually between 1-3 seconds long which gives a very fast cutting rate which is incorporated with a mixture of static shots to tracking shots which go well with the pace of the video.
In terms of the rule of third everything is proportionate in the way the star is always present in the video and it is nicely balanced.

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